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Neuriva Review: Offers Science-Supported Nutrients for Brain Health

By Ana Reisdorf, MS, RD

Last Updated on March 30, 2023

Medically Reviewed by Anthony Dugarte, MD

Dietitian Rating:


About This Rating
The average rating of this product is calculated based on the evaluation of the following factors:
  • Support for Claims:4.3
  • Ingredient Safety:4.0
  • Value for the Price:4.0
  • Customer Service:3.8

Neuriva’s two ingredients have good research supporting its benefits for brain health. It’s fairly priced, comes from a reputable brand, and has thousands of positive reviews, so it’s definitely worth a try.

Written by
Ana Reisdorf, MS, RD
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Ana Reisdorf is a registered dietitian nutritionist with 14 years of experience in the field of nutrition and dietetics. She graduated from UCLA in 2002 with a degree in psychology and women’s studies and completed her master’s degree from Central Michigan University in 2010
Medically Reviewed by
Anthony Dugarte, MD
Medical Reviewer
Anthony Dugarte, M.D., C.S.C.S. is a health and wellness writer and medical content reviewer. In addition to dedicating the last 11 years to medical research, Dr. Dugarte also has more than a decade of experience in strength and conditioning, nutrition, and rehabilitative exercise, as well as authoring and reviewing health and wellness-related content.
Neuriva Review: Offers Science-Supported Nutrients for Brain Health
Photo by WellnessVerge/Vlad Rappoport

Key Takeaways (TL;DR)

  • Neuriva is a unique supplement that combines only two active ingredients — cherry coffee extract and phosphatidylserine.
  • The claims made about Neuriva’s two active ingredients have scientific support documenting their benefits for brain health support with very few side effects.
  • If you are concerned about your memory or concentration abilities as you age, Neuriva is worth considering. Using Neuriva in combination with other lifestyle changes may help improve your working memory and focus.
  • On Amazon, there are thousands of satisfied reviews of Neuriva, with many claiming that they noticed a difference from taking this supplement. But as always the case, these supplements don’t benefit everyone, and many consumers reported that Neuriva did not offer much value to them.

What Neuriva Gets Right

  • Includes a unique formula that contains research-backed ingredients in effective dosages.
  • Neuriva is generally safe for most adults, with no reports of significant side effects.
  • The supplement is GMO-free, gluten-free, decaffeinated, and vegetarian.
  • Fairly priced compared to alternatives.

Important Considrations

  • Limited return policy, not allowing returns on open products.
  • Contains soy-based ingredients, which some may be allergic to.
  • Some people may experience insomnia or upset stomach.
  • In 2020–2021, Neuriva was involved in a lawsuit over its advertising claims. Part of the settlement required Neuriva to change its labeling and marketing messaging from “clinically proven” and “science proved” to “clinically tested” and “science tested.”
  • Doesn’t have a third-party testing seal.

Neuriva at a Glance

Neuriva is a brain health support supplement by Schiff Vitamins that contains two active ingredients – cherry coffee extract and phosphatidylserine. Schiff claims that these ingredients help to improve focus, memory, learning, accuracy, and concentration.

There is plenty of scientific research on the two ingredients documenting their benefit for brain health. No other brain support supplement we evaluated combines the same two ingredients, making Neuriva unique.

Neuriva comes in several formulations (in our opinion, the original or gummies version is your best option):

  • Neuriva Brain Performance (Original): Contains only two active ingredients – coffee cherry extract and phosphatidylserine.
  • Neuriva Plus: Contains the same two active ingredients as in the Original (one of them at a double dose) and adds vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid. The additional nutrients may have some benefits, but they increase the cost of the product.
  • Neuriva Brain Performance Gummies: Original in gummy form. Good for people who don’t like swallowing pills.
  • Neuriva Brain Performance De-Stress: Contains coffee cherry extract, L-theanine, and French Melon concentrate. L-theanine is known to provide a calming effect, good for stress. (1)

Schiff also offers a Neuriva Brain Gym app that is included with a purchase of the product. They claim that its games and programs will help improve various areas of cognitive function. However, the jury is still out if “brain training” apps carry over to improving everyday cognitive activities. (2)

Neuriva Capsules. Photo by WellnessVerge
Neuriva capsules. Photo by WellnessVerge/Vlad Rappoport

How to Take It

Neuriva should be taken once a day. The serving size is one capsule or two gummies. The current scientific research well supports the dosages of the active ingredients.

Expand to See the Supplement Facts

This ingredient label is for Neuriva’s original supplement

The serving size is 1 capsule.

  • Coffee Fruit Extract (Coffea arabica): 100 mg
  • Phosphatidylserine: 100 mg

Neuriva Is Fairly Priced Compared to Alternatives

When buying from the Schiff website, the price per bottle is:

  • Neuriva Original (30-day supply): $32.99
  • Neuriva Plus (30-day supply): $49.49
  • Neuriva Gummies (25-day supply): $24.99
  • Neuriva De-Stress (30-day supply): $29.99

Neuriva is widely available from popular retailers and often at a lower price, including Amazon, Walmart, Walgreens, Target, GNC, and others.

Neuriva has a very limited return policy, only covering unopened or damaged products. Many top brands offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, removing the financial risk from a consumer when trying a product. However, Neuriva does not provide any satisfaction guarantee, so buying from Amazon or GNC may be a better option, as these retailers have better return policies.

How Neuriva’s Ingredients May be Helpful

The benefits of Neuriva come from its two active ingredients, cherry coffee extract and phosphatidylserine.

The ingredients achieve this goal by increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels. BDNF is a protein that improves communication between brain cells, enhancing brain performance. (3)

Decreased levels of BDNF have been associated with poor learning ability and cognitive decline. Due to its important role in helping maintain brain health, there is quite a bit of interest in BDNF in the scientific community.

Below is a brief summary of the scientific evidence that shows how cherry coffee extract and phosphatidylserine can support cognitive function.

Neurofactor Coffee Cherry Extract

Coffee cherry extract (CCE) is made from the red-colored fruit that wraps around the coffee bean. Unlike coffee, this extract does not contain any caffeine.

While the studies on coffee cherry extract were small, they have been promising. Results suggested that CCE may increase processing speed, attention, and focus in people with mild cognitive decline. Specifically, studies demonstrated that cherry coffee extract helped people with mild age-related cognitive decline improve reaction times, accuracy, and processing speed and help prevent cognitive mistakes. Some of the studies involved giving people 100 mg of CCE, which is the amount that Neuriva contains. (4, 5, 6)

Plant-Sourced Phosphatidylserine

Phosphatidylserine (PS) is made in our bodies and helps communicate between our nerve cells in the brain. Its function is vital for maintaining our overall brain health and accompanying mental tasks.

Studies on PS supplementation have been promising and showed that it may help with short-term memory and support other cognitive functions, such as problem-solving, learning, and decision-making, which decline as we age. (7)

One thing to note about the PS in Neuriva is that it is derived from soy. Most of the research has used PS derived from animal sources. However, studies show that soy-derived PS may be just as effective and help improve memory function in elderly adults. (8, 9)

Safety Considerations

There are no reported side effects of Neuriva, so it is considered safe for most adults.

The manufacturer recommends not to take Neuriva if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, on medication, or with a known medical condition unless you have consulted a physician.

Neuriva is GMO-free, gluten-free, decaffeinated, and vegetarian.

It’s important to note that phosphatidylserine (PS) in this supplement is made from soy, so it may need to be avoided if you’re allergic to soy. In addition, some people may experience insomnia or upset stomach with PS. If this is the case, you might want to take Neurvia earlier in the morning. (10)

Neuriva vs. Prevagen

Prevagen is another popular brain support supplement that is sold at major retailers. It differs from Neuriva because one of its main ingredients (apoaequorin) is not as widely studied, and the product is more expensive. While both products are worth considering, Neuriva is a better option. (Read our comparison guide to learn why.)

Here’s how the products compare:

  Neuriva Prevagen
Our Rating 4.3 3.6
Active Ingredients Coffee cherry extract and phosphatidylserine Apoaequorin, Vitamin D3
Other Ingredients Rice bran, capsule (hypromellose, carrageenan, titanium dioxide, pectin), microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide Microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable capsule, maltodextrin; 2% or less of casein peptones, lactose, magnesium stearate, modified corn starch, salt, soy peptones, sugar
Cost per serving About $1.10 About $1.33
Dose 1 capsule per day, taken at bedtime 1 capsule per day, taken with or without food
Claimed Benefits Supports brain function; improves focus, memory, learning, accuracy, and concentration Supports brain function, sharper mind, clearer thinking
Other Forms Available Plus Formula, De-Stress Formula, Gummies Extra Strength, Professional Formula, Chewables
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At WellnessVerge, we only use reputable sources, including peer-reviewed medical journals and well-respected academic institutions.

  1. Effects of L-Theanine Administration on Stress-Related Symptoms and Cognitive Functions in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial - PMC:
  2. Do "Brain-Training" Programs Work? - PubMed:
  3. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and its clinical implications:
  4. Cognitive short- and long-term effects of coffee cherry extract in older adults with mild cognitive decline - PubMed:
  5. Neurophysiological Effects of Whole Coffee Cherry Extract in Older Adults with Subjective Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Cross-Over Pilot Study - PMC:
  6. Neurophysiological Effects of Whole Coffee Cherry Extract in Older Adults with Subjective Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Cross-Over Pilot Study - PubMed:
  7. Phosphatidylserine and the human brain - PubMed:
  8. Comparison of molecular species of various transphosphatidylated phosphatidylserine (PS) with bovine cortex PS by mass spectrometry:
  9. Soybean-Derived Phosphatidylserine Improves Memory Function of the Elderly Japanese Subjects with Memory Complaints:
  10. Phosphatidylserine and the human brain:

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