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Fatty15 Review: A Newly Discovered Fatty Acid for Healthy Aging

By Erika Thiede, MS, RDN, CSSD

Last Updated on May 18, 2023

Medically Reviewed by Natalie Olsen, MS, RDN

Dietitian Rating:


About This Rating
The average rating of this product is calculated based on the evaluation of the following factors:
  • Support for Claims:4.0
  • Ingredient Safety:4.5
  • Customer Service:4.0
  • Value for the Price:4.0

Fatty15 is the only supplement with a newly discovered fatty acid C15:0. Research shows it can keep your cells young and fight age-related conditions.

Written by
Erika Thiede, MS, RDN, CSSD
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Integrative and Functional Nutritionist
Erika Thiede is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with 10 years of experience in the field of nutrition. While at USC, Erika worked alongside the head sports dietitian, allowing her to realize her true passion was in the field of nutrition and dietetics. Erika completed her master’s degree at Loma Linda University and became a registered dietitian in 2015.
Medically Reviewed by
Natalie Olsen, MS, RDN, LD, ACSM-EP
Registered Dietitian, Certified Exercise Physiologist
Natalie is a registered dietitian, functional medicine practitioner and certified exercise physiologist with over 15 years experience in the health and wellness industry and holds a Master's degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine through a collaborative program provided by the University of Western States and the Institute of Functional Medicine.
Fatty15 Review: A Newly Discovered Fatty Acid for Healthy Aging
Photo credit: fatty15.com

Key Takeaways (TL;DR)

  • Fatty15 contains only one ingredient, odd-chain fatty acid C15:0, the first essential fatty acid discovered in 90 years.
  • Scientific research supports the benefits of C15:0 for cellular health, mitochondrial health, and decreasing the risk of chronic illness.
  • However, C15:0 is not widely available in the average diet, so supplementing is necessary to experience its health benefits.
  • Fatty15 conveniently offers a pure and vegan source of C15:0 in an effective dose. Currently, it’s the only brand offering this fatty acid.
  • This supplement is recommended to be taken on an ongoing basis to get the benefits. It takes around 3 months to start working.
  • If you are already taking an omega-3 fatty acid supplement, there are additional benefits from taking C15:0. Both could be taken together to increase your intake of essential fatty acids.

Things We Liked About Fatty15

  • C15:0 has strong scientific evidence supporting its health benefits
  • The supplement does not have a fish flavor, smell, or aftertaste
  • Easy to swallow, small capsule
  • Vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, and free of preservatives
  • The brand has eco-friendly packaging and shipping

Important Considerations

  • It may take 90 days to start experiencing benefits
  • Product is meant to be taken consistently long-term
  • It may be expensive for some

Try fatty 15

Fatty15 in a Snapshot

Fatty15 is an essential fatty acid C15:0 supplement that can support cellular health, boost your mitochondria, and reduce age-related illness.

An essential fatty acid refers to fatty acids that the body cannot make on its own and needs to get from food. Fatty15 is designed to replenish the body with this essential fatty acid that has been declining from the modern diet for years.

Our primary dietary source of fatty acid C15:0 is whole-fat dairy products. However, even in butter and whole-fat milk sources, C15:0 is available in minimal amounts. These foods also contain higher even-chain fatty acids, which may increase the risk of heart disease, inflammation, and type 2 diabetes. (1, 2)

Fatty15 is the only product on the market that conveniently offers a pure form of C15:0 as a vegan-friendly dietary supplement.

How to Take It

Take one small and easy-to-swallow capsule with food or on an empty stomach. For best results, it is recommended to be taken in the morning.

A growing body of evidence supports regular intake of C15:0. So it is recommended to take fatty15 on an ongoing basis to receive the most health benefits.

How C15:0 Was Discovered

C15:0 is the first essential fatty acid discovered in the last 90 years. Here’s what led to the discovery.

Fatty15’s co-founder Dr. Stephanie Ven-Watson, working as a veterinary epidemiologist, was studying how changes in the ocean impact the dietary needs of dolphins.

Her research team tracked two groups of dolphins — a pod in San Diego, California, and a group in Sarasota, Florida. While both groups of dolphins were relatively healthy, the California pod had more aging-related conditions than the dolphins in Florida. Those aging-related conditions, similarly to humans, led to illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Upon further investigation, researchers found that the Florida pod ate fish with higher content of fatty acid C15:0. This discovery led Dr. Stephanie Ven-Watson to start fatty15 along with her husband, Dr. Eric Venn-Watson.

Pricing Options

Fatty15 can be purchased online through the company’s official site at fatty15.com.

All purchases come with free shipping, and the prices are:

  • 30-day trial kit, with subscription: $49.95
  • 90-day starter kit, with subscription (save 20%): $119.95
  • 90-day starter kit, without subscription: $149.95

The brand offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on your first purchase. If you’re outside 30 days, the company only provides refunds for unopened products. You can cancel or modify the frequency of your subscription at any time.

Once you purchase, you will receive a starter kit, including your reusable glass storage bottle, your supply of capsules, and an educational insert. For future orders, you will receive supplement refill pouches.

The Research Behind Fatty15

The only ingredient used in fatty15 is pentadecanoic acid, trademarked as FA15™, also known as C15:0. Even though early research is quite promising, it’s all still very new. Below we’ll discuss the studies of C15:0 and the benefits you can expect to see with this supplement.

Mitochondria Health

Mitochondria are the energy powerhouses. They generate the chemical energy needed to power our cell’s critical functions. (Think of it as fuel for our cells to help them perform efficiently.)

A decline in mitochondrial health is linked to aging and aging-related disease. Studies have found that intake of fatty acid C15:0 improves mitochondrial function. When coupled with exercise, Fatty15 may enhance mitochondrial function. (3, 1, 4)

Cellular Health

Our body is made up of cells, so keeping our cells healthy is critical to health and aging well. Similar to mitochondria, a cell loses its ability to function over time. The reality is that we age because our cells do, and because our body is made up entirely of cells, protecting our cells the best we can is critical to aging well.

As parts of the protective outer layer of the cell, fatty acids play a critical role in keeping the cell healthy. Specifically, research has shown that supplementation of fatty acid C15:0 strengthens cellular stability, protecting our cells from age-related wear and tear. (1, 5)

Mind and Body Health

When coupled with a healthy diet rich in omega-3s, fatty15 may increase the intake of C15:0 and promote a healthy mind and body.

Research supports that a higher intake of C15:0 is associated with a decreased risk of obesity, inflammation, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and other health conditions, including lowered cholesterol. (1)

Additionally, clinical studies have identified that fatty acid C15:0 has similar properties to bupropion, a compound used to treat depression and other mood disorders. Further research found a link between intake of C15:0 and a reduction in anxiety. (6)

Fatty15 Is Safe

Fatty15 is safe for most people, including children ages 4+, pregnant women, and nursing moms. This supplement is vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, and free of preservatives, fillers, corn, soy, and artificial colors.

There are no medication interactions with Fatty15. However, speaking to your medical provider before starting with any supplement is always best.

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At WellnessVerge, we only use reputable sources, including peer-reviewed medical journals and well-respected academic institutions.

  1. Efficacy of dietary odd-chain saturated fatty acid pentadecanoic acid parallels broad associated health benefits in humans: could it be essential? | Scientific Reports:
  2. Even- and odd-chain saturated fatty acids in serum phospholipids are differentially associated with adipokines - PMC:
  3. The Mitochondrial Basis of Aging - PMC:
  4. Frontiers | Physical Exercise: A Novel Tool to Protect Mitochondrial Health | Physiology:
  5. Lipid peroxidation in cell death - PMC:
  6. Broader and safer clinically-relevant activities of pentadecanoic acid compared to omega-3: Evaluation of an emerging essential fatty acid across twelve primary human cell-based disease systems - PMC:

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