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AG1 (Athletic Greens) Review: A Convenient, But Costly Way to Get Your Nutrients + Our 6-Month Experience

By Dmitry Ozik and Vlad Rappoport

Last Updated on June 27, 2023

Medically Reviewed by Yasmine S. Ali, MD, MSCI

Dietitian Rating:


About This Rating
The average rating of this product is calculated based on the evaluation of the following factors:
  • Support for Claims:3.8
  • Ingredient Safety:4.0
  • Customer Service:4.0
  • Value for the Price:4.0

AG1 from Athletic Greens offers an easy way to cover most of your daily nutrient needs (as long as you’re trying to eat healthy). Its comprehensive list of high-quality ingredients may support your overall health. Still, it's not cheap.

Written by
Dmitry Ozik
Editorial Director
For more than 10 years, Dmitry Ozik, has brought a dedication to transparent communications with a socially conscientious approach to the editorial and publishing industry.
Written by
Vlad Rappoport
Chief Executive Officer
With optimism, grit, and a keen eye for system workflow strategies, Vlad Rappoport builds engaging online spaces, including a popular consumer review site he co-founded and developed that peaked at 4-5 million monthly visitors.
Medically Reviewed by
Yasmine S. Ali, MD, MSCI, FACC, FACP
Board-certified Cardiologist, Medical Board Member
Yasmine S. Ali, MD, MSCI, is a board-certified cardiologist, clinical lipidologist, and internist with nearly 30 years of experience in direct patient care and 25 years of experience in medical writing, editing, and reviewing.
AG1 (Athletic Greens) Review: A Convenient, But Costly Way to Get Your Nutrients + Our 6-Month Experience
Photo by WellnessVerge/Dmitry Ozik

Key Takeaways (TL;DR)

  • AG1 is a concentrated greens powder providing an easy way to support your overall health by covering nutrient gaps common in a typical Western diet.
  • It’s also great for athletes and active people because it includes adaptogens that help our bodies respond to stress better, which can improve recovery.
  • It primarily uses whole-food ingredients and contains no artificial ingredients, sweeteners, or food allergens. Its ingredients are considered safe for most people (but not all) when taken as directed.
  • It is easy to make, dissolves easily in water, and tastes great.
  • It offers high value for the price but is more expensive than all its competitors.
  • Unless you’re really deficient in certain nutrients, measuring the benefits of AG1 may be difficult, as it is meant to be taken long term to provide essential minerals and vitamins and fill any nutrient gaps.

What We Like About AG1

  • Offers 100% of the daily value for many micronutrients and could easily replace a multivitamin if desired
  • Undergoes third-party testing and is NSF-Certified for Sports
  • Helpful customer service
  • The brand offers a 90-day money-back guarantee on your first order

Important Considerations

  • The specific amount of each ingredient in its four proprietary blends is not provided
  • Some ingredients could interact with prescription medication
  • If using AG1 as a multivitamin, note that it does not contain vitamins D and K (including omega-3)
  • AG1 is not an ideal source of fiber and does not replace eating whole fruits and vegetables
  • It may be costly for some
  • Shipping is always a flat rate of $9 regardless of whether you subscribe or not

TRY AG1 Today

A Quick Look at AG1

We all know that eating your fruits and vegetables benefits our overall health in many ways. However, only 1 in 10 adults consume the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables daily. (1) With so many people missing the mark, greens powders have exploded onto the market, promising to offer a convenient way to help people bridge this gap.

Founded in 2009, AG1 by Athletic Greens is one of the earliest and probably most well-known greens powder, sponsoring many popular podcasts and running TV ads. It contains a concentrated form of 75 traceable ingredients made primarily from whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, probiotics, digestive enzymes, antioxidants, adaptogens, and fiber. It is also high in many vitamins and minerals, offering the convenience of a multivitamin.

AG1 has a lot going for it, and it is one of the best greens powders we have tested. In fact, it remains our top pick three years in a row. However, before we share our experience with AG1 and compare it to the alternatives, let’s briefly discuss what greens powders can (and can’t) do for you.

Research clearly shows that increased fruit and vegetable consumption benefits overall health and can reduce the risk of disease and many conditions. However, it is still unclear whether the powdered form of fruits and vegetables can offer the same benefits.

A handful of small studies have specifically looked at the benefits of greens powders for immune, digestive, and heart health. While results are promising, more extensive studies are needed to confirm these benefits.

We can conclude at this time that greens powders are not a silver bullet to fix your health problems, but they could be a convenient source of nutrients to support your overall health. If you don’t typically consume a variety of leafy greens, fruits, and other vegetables, a concentrated powder will likely provide some nutrients that are lacking in your diet.

Ultimately, determining if a greens powder works will be based on how you feel after using it for a few months and whether you think it’s worth the investment as part of your healthy lifestyle.

Athletic Greens mixed in water
An image depicting the greens powders in a scoop, AG1 mixed with water in the glass jar and opened canister. Photo by WellnessVerge/Dmitry Ozik

Our Experience of Taking AG1 for Six Months

Editor’s Note: At WellnessVerge, we evaluate hundreds of products, some of which become part of our daily routines. Here’s how our co-founder, Dmitry Ozik, uses AG1. 

Before I share my experience with AG1, here’s a full disclaimer: When I began drinking AG1, I was already consuming a well-balanced, predominantly whole-food diet, getting the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables most of my days.

Based on my research into the benefits of AG1, there was a lot to like about this product, and I was genuinely excited to give it a shot.

Going into it, I knew that AG1 is the type of product meant to be taken consistently and that I should not expect an immediate effect that I can quantify overnight. So I decided to test it for six months to see its impact on my health.

Also, because AG1 does not contain vitamin D, a nutrient many are deficient in, I opted for the vitamin D drop that Athletic Greens sells. I added two drops to our mix. However, this created an extra step, and as silly as it sounds, I forgot to add the drop on some days.

Customer Service

Ordering AG1 from Athletic Greens was a breeze, and I had a very smooth and pleasant customer experience. I received the product on time, and the brand sent me helpful emails with tips and resources along the way.

I was able to pause or cancel the subscription and change the frequency of shipments through our online account without issues.

Additionally, as a courtesy reminder, Athletic Greens sent emails three days before the next shipment went out, giving me a window to modify my subscription whenever needed.

Prep and Taste

I followed Athletic Greens’ recommendations and drank AG1 daily on an empty stomach first thing in the morning with 10 oz of cold water (the company says 8–10 oz of cold water is ideal). I used the aesthetically-pleasing shaker that was included in the welcome kit. Typically, it took me 20–30 seconds of shaking for the powder to mix well. Also, the company recommends storing your AG1 canister in the fridge once it’s opened, which I did.

I found AG1 to have a grassy, earthy flavor, which you may need to get used to (it took me around two weeks to acquire the taste). Many reviewers say this earthiness is tolerable, but some dislike it. But as we know, taste is generally a personal preference.

And even though I didn’t look forward to drinking AG1 each morning for its tastiness (like I would a hot cup of coffee or tropical smoothie), I did enjoy drinking it for its benefits.

My Key Takeaways

Here are my takeaways after drinking AG1 for six months. (Spoiler alert: my household still uses it, but with a twist.)

  • It’s a great way to hydrate. Drinking AG1 first thing in the morning with at least 10 oz of water was an excellent way to remember to hydrate, which is known to have many benefits.
  • It’s a good foundational habit. When I drank AG1, I felt I was starting our day right by investing in my health. This helped encourage healthier food choices throughout the day. (In a way, it created a sense of accountability for me.)
  • You need to drink it by faith. I did not notice any visible benefits to my energy levels, recovery, or gut health, but that was to be expected. Going into the test, I knew that AG1 is designed to support your diet and cover potential nutrient gaps. Based on what I knew about Athletic Greens, I understood that the ingredients in AG1 are beneficial to support optimal health, so I “took it by faith,” knowing that I was supporting my overall health.
  • I did not experience any side effects. Everyone is different and may react differently to Athletic Greens. But I personally did not experience any side effects while drinking it for 6 months.

Why I Stopped Drinking It Daily and What I Decided to Do Instead

I stopped drinking AG1 daily because it was a pricey habit to maintain long-term. I felt that I was already eating a healthy diet, so I realized that, in my case, it would make more sense to “stretch our dollars” and use AG1 more strategically on days when I needed extra nutrient support.

I typically drink it a few days a week when I have strength training or extra cardio activity and sports. I also drink it when I travel or when someone in the household gets sick for extra immunity support.

Overall, there is enough that I liked about AG1 that it has become a staple in my fridge. However, the cost makes it an expensive product to use daily, so I typically make one bag last 2–3 months. Of course, Athletic Greens recommends drinking its product daily for optimal benefit. Still, I feel that is not the only way to use the product (the company offers flexible subscription options that help accommodate me).

Try AG1 Today

Research-Backed Benefits of Athletic Greens

As mentioned, AG1 has 75 ingredients packed with nutrients, probiotics, essential vitamins and minerals, and adaptogens backed by research and can help support your overall health when taken consistently over time. This particular supplement does not contain vitamin D or omega-3s, which are also helpful for your health. However, Athletic Greens sells them as add-ons or includes them as a bonus when you subscribe to receive 60 monthly servings.

On the label, some of the ingredients are divided into four main categories:

  • Alkaline, Nutrient-Dense Raw Superfood Complex, 7,388 mg: Primarily made of green superfoods that may offer protective effects for the liver, maintaining optimal pH balance in the body, and supporting heart health.
  • Nutrient-Dense Extracts, Herbs, and Antioxidants, 2,732 mg: It contains high-quality pea protein and herbs that may benefit brain health, blood sugar, energy, and concentration.
  • Digestive Enzyme and Super Mushroom Complex, 154 mg: Made with medicinal mushrooms and natural digestive enzymes that may help support gut health and normal immune response.
  • Dairy-Free Probiotics, 7.2 billion CFU, 38 mg: Contains two well-studied probiotics that may help support a healthy gut bacterial balance, promote digestive health, and offer antimicrobial benefits.

Below, we will discuss some of the ingredients used in AG1 and how they may support your health.

Gut Health

Athletic Greens contains well-research probiotic strains called Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum, which effectively promote gut health. In addition, this supplement contains inulin, a type of soluble fiber that acts as food for the probiotics in the gut, stimulating their growth. Together these ingredients may support your gut health. (2, 3)

Energy Support

AG1 contains essential nutrients for energy production, including magnesium and B vitamins. If you’re deficient in these nutrients, supplementing them may help support energy levels. Vitamin B12 also plays a significant role in energy metabolism, as it helps to convert food into ATP, the body’s primary energy source. (4, 5, 5) 

Additionally, AG1 contains Rhodiola Rosea, which is considered an adaptogenic. Studies show it may help fight stress and reduce fatigue. (6, 7)

Tip: Foods such as almonds, salmon, and blueberries can give you much-needed energy when you’re tired.

Supports Immune Health

Both reishi and shiitake mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides, which are compounds that support your immune function. (8, 9, 10)

AG1 also contains zinc, vitamin C, and many more high levels of vitamins and minerals, all responsible for helping support your immunity system. (11, 12)

Recovery from Training

AG1 contains adaptogens and antioxidants that have been shown to reduce inflammation and help the body recover from a tough workout. For example, studies have shown that ashwagandha and ginger may help muscle recovery after training. (13, 14)

To maximize AG1 in exercise recovery, make sure also to eat enough protein as it has amino acids that help your muscle repair and rebuild. (15)

Athletic Greens packaging
Standard AG1 pouch package as arrived with a canister, glass jar & shaker, greens powders, and wooden sticks for stirring. Photo by WellnessVerge/Dmitry Ozik

See Full Supplement Facts and Ingredients

One scoop of AG1 is 12 grams and provides the following:

  • Calories: 50 calories
  • Carbohydrates: 6 grams
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Vitamin A: 555 mcg RAE
  • Vitamin C: 420 mg
  • Vitamin E: 83 mg
  • Thiamin: 3 mg
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 2 mg
  • Niacin: 20 mg NE
  • Vitamin B6: 3 mg
  • Folate: 680 mc DFE
  • Vitamin B12: 22 mcg
  • Biotin (Vitamin B7): 330 mcg
  • Pantothenic Acid: 4 mg
  • Calcium: 118 mg
  • Phosphorus: 130 mg
  • Magnesium: 26 mg
  • Zinc: 15 mg
  • Selenium: 20 mcg
  • Copper: 195 mcg
  • Manganese: 400 mcg
  • Chromium: 25 mcg
  • Sodium: 45 mg
  • Potassium: 300 mg

Alkaline, Nutrient-Dense Raw Superfood Complex (7388 mg)

Organic spirulina, lecithin (65% phosphatides), organic apple powder, inulin (FOS prebiotics), organic wheat grass juice powder (leaf), organic alfalfa powder (leaf), organic chlorella powder, organic barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaf powder, acerola fruit juice powder extract, broccoli flower powder, papaya (Carica papaya) fruit powder, pineapple fruit concentrate, bilberry fruit extract, beet root powder, rose hip (Rosa canina) fruit powder, carrot root powder, spinach leaf powder, cocoa bean polyphenol extract, grape seed extract (std. 95% OPC), green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract (leaf), licorice root powder, lycium berry fruit extract, ginger rhizome powder, slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) bark powder, kelp whole plant powder

Nutrient Dense Extracts, Herbs & Antioxidants (2732 mg)

Alkaline pea protein isolate, citrus bioflavonoids extract, artichoke leaf extract, citric acid (anhydrous), rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) root dry extract, eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) root extract, rosemary leaf extract, milk thistle seed extract, R,S alpha-lipoic acid, ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) root extract, dandelion whole plant dry concentrate, hawthorn berry extract, beta glucans, policosanol, coenzyme Q10 (ubidecarenone), stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) leaf powder, vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7)

Digestive Enzyme & Super Mushroom Complex (154 mg)

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) root powder extract, bromelain (dietary enzyme), burdock root powder, reishi mushroom powder, shiitake mushroom powder

Daily Free Probiotics 7.2 billion CFU (38 mg)

Lactobacillus acidophilus – UALa-01, Bifidobacterium bifidum - UABb-10

Is AG1 Safe?

AG1 is considered safe for most people when taken as directed and meant for people over 18. However, you should not take it if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Additionally, this powder contains ingredients derived from soy, so those with soy allergies should avoid this product.

AG1 is NSF Certified for Sport, meaning that the supplement is certified as free of substances banned by major sports organizations and does not contain any unsafe levels of contaminants.

When you first start taking AG1, the most common side effects may include stomach upset, gas, or bloating, but it should be temporary. However, if this continues, you may want to reduce the dosage or discontinue the supplement.

Because Athletic Greens offers a large ingredient list, be sure to read the label carefully to avoid potential allergens and interactions with medication (especially medications for diabetes). We recommend that you consult your healthcare professional before using this product, especially if you have a medical condition or are taking any medications.

Athletic Greens uses proprietary blends, preventing consumers from knowing the exact amount of each ingredient they take. This is a downside for anyone who needs to ensure they are not taking too much of a particular ingredient.

AG1 Costs and Subscription Options

AG1 is available on the brand’s official website and through Amazon. However, the supplement is far more expensive when purchased on Amazon.

Here is the AG1 Pouch pricing overview:

  • 30 Servings (One-Time Purchase): $99
  • 30 Servings (Monthly Subscription): $79 + starter kit and 5 Travel Packs (1 serving each)
  • 60 Servings (Monthly Subscription): $149, includes starter kit and a year's supply of Vitamin D3+K2 drops

And for the Travel Packs:

  • 30 Servings (One-Time Purchase): $109
  • 30 Servings (Monthly Subscription): $89, includes starter kit and 5 Travel Packs
  • 60 Servings (Monthly Subscription): $169, includes starter kit and a year's supply of Vitamin D3+K2

When you subscribe, Athletic Greens includes a starter kit with your first order that includes a plastic shaker bottle, a scoop, a reusable storage canister that you will use to refill your powder from subsequent shipments, and five bonus travel packs (1-serving each). However, shipping is always $9 on every shipment, regardless if you subscribe.

Athletic Greens offers a 90-day money-back satisfaction guarantee for your first order. You can try AG1 for yourself with a risk-free one-time purchase.

Try AG1 Today

How AG1 Compares to Its Competitors

Even though many greens powders are on the market, there are no established formulation standards. Each brand is unique and contains a different combination of ingredients, proprietary blends, and serving sizes, making it very challenging for consumers to decide which specific brand is best for them. Additionally, it is not always possible to objectively determine if one brand works better than the other because everyone has different nutrient needs.

What we can compare are several key attributes of each brand listed in the table below:

AG1 Garden of Life Raw Organic Perfect Food Amazing Grass Vibrant Health Green Vibrance Beyond Greens
Ingredients 75 40 25 60 14
Daily Serving Size 12 g 6.9 g 8 g 11 g 3.8 g
Good Variety of Greens Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Amount of Each Ingredient Listed No No No Yes Yes
Organic No Yes No No No
Third-party Tested Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Comprehensive Amount of Nutrients Yes No No Yes No
Fiber 2 g / 7% DV 1 g / 4% DV 3 g / 11% DV 3 g / 11% DV Not listed
Prebiotics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Probiotics 2 strains, 7.2 billion CFU 3 strains, 1.5 billion CFU 1 strain, CFU not listed 12 strains, 25 billion CFU 1 strain, 300 million CFU
Antioxidants Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Adaptogens Yes No No Yes Yes
Sweeteners No No No Yes Yes
Allergen and Special Diet Considerations Gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, vegan Gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, vegan Gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, vegan Gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, vegan Gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, vegan
Regular Price (30 servings) $99 $39.19 $39.99 $49.60 $39.99
Price Per Serving $3.33 (12 g) $1.30 (6.9 g) $1.33 (8 g) $1.65 (11 g) $1.33 (3.8 g)
Return Policy 60 days 60 days 30 days 90 days 365 days
Purchase Buy on Athletic Greens Buy on Amazon Buy on Amazon Buy on Amazon Buy on Live Conscious

What is evident from this comparison is that even though AG1 is the most expensive option, it is a well-rounded greens powder offering the most ingredient variety and amount per serving.

For some perspective, take Beyond Greens, for instance. It’s a decent option and considerably cheaper than AG1, but the daily serving size is about three times smaller and doesn’t include certain beneficial ingredients. Although it seems like a more affordable option, if you want to match the daily serving size of AG1 using Beyond Greens, you’ll spend more per month.

AG1 remains our top pick for the best overall greens powder for the third year in a row. We believe it is a solid choice if it fits your budget. And if you would like a more budget-friendly option that’s as close to AG1 as possible, Garden of Life Raw Organic Perfect Food is a great option.

Tip: To get the most benefit from greens powders, you must take them consistently long-term with a good diet. Consider the ongoing monthly cost to find the brand that fits your budget. Also, everyone’s nutritional needs and diets differ, so more ingredients aren’t necessarily better, making it difficult to quantify any benefits from greens powders.

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At WellnessVerge, we only use reputable sources, including peer-reviewed medical journals and well-respected academic institutions.

  1. Disparities in State-Specific Adult Fruit and Vegetable Consumption — United States, 2015 | MMWR:
  2. The life history of Lactobacillus acidophilus as a probiotic: a tale of revisionary taxonomy, misidentification and commercial success - PubMed:
  3. Bifidobacterium bifidum: A Key Member of the Early Human Gut Microbiota - PubMed:
  4. Magnesium - Health Professional Fact Sheet:
  5. Vitamin B12 - Health Professional Fact Sheet:
  6. Rhodiola rosea in Subjects with Prolonged or Chronic Fatigue Symptoms: Results of an Open-Label Clinical Trial - PubMed:
  7. The Effectiveness of Rhodiola rosea L. Preparations in Alleviating Various Aspects of Life-Stress Symptoms and Stress-Induced Conditions—Encouraging Clinical Evidence - PMC:
  8. Mushroom Polysaccharides: Chemistry and Antiobesity, Antidiabetes, Anticancer, and Antibiotic Properties in Cells, Rodents, and Humans - PMC:
  9. Immunomodulating Effect of Ganoderma (Lingzhi) and Possible Mechanism - PubMed:
  10. Consuming Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) Mushrooms Daily Improves Human Immunity: A Randomized Dietary Intervention in Healthy Young Adults - PubMed:
  11. Zinc as a Gatekeeper of Immune Function - PubMed:
  12. Vitamin C and Immune Function - PMC:
  13. Examining the effect of Withania somnifera supplementation on muscle strength and recovery: a randomized controlled trial - PMC:
  14. Acute effects of ginger extract on biochemical and functional symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness - PMC:
  15. Protein for exercise and recovery - PubMed:

Buyer Feedback on AG1 NEW

In addition to our expert review, we recently began collecting buyer feedback to help build a more complete picture of each product and brand. The opinion of each buyer is their own and may not reflect the opinions and views of WellnessVerge.
Have you used AG1?

Read 2 Buyer Experiences

Kurt S.
Posted on April 14, 2024
Review Link Copied
Weekly Workouts
Favorite Workouts
Strength Training, Team Sports
Nutrition Habits
Meat & Starches
Specific Diet Plans
Length of Use
1–2 years
Reasons for Trying
Supplement lack of vegetables in diet, replace multivitamins
Taste Impression
Taste is great - I just shake it with cold filtered water. I will usually add other powders I’m taking such as collagen, etc
Daily Use and Prep
Yes daily - I usually skip weekends. It is very easy to prepare. I use 2 scoops.
Benefits Experienced
I believe I get a bit more energy in the day and usually feel more complete on days I take it.
Side Effects
Customer Service
No issues - sometimes they send a free sample of the vitamin D dropper. Subscription easy to manage
Is AG1 Worth It?
I will continue drinking it. I believe it is a higher priced product so those looking to save might not prefer this. I don’t mind the price as I am under the assumption it is high quality.
How likely are you to recommend it to a friend or family member?
Extremely likely
Mike S.
Posted on April 10, 2024
Review Link Copied
Weekly Workouts
Favorite Workouts
Walking/Hiking, Cycling
Nutrition Habits
Health Enthusiast
Specific Diet Plans
Ketogenic, Other
Length of Use
3–6 months
Reasons for Trying
I decided to incorporate AG1 into my routine because I was hoping to achieve a healthier gut and heighten my energy levels. I've heard positive feedback about its benefits, and I wanted to see if it could help me replenish my nutrient intake. So far, I've noticed AG1 giving me a bit of an energy boost when going to the gym.
Taste Impression
AG1 has a smooth texture with a subtle, slightly sweet taste. It's not overly gritty or chalky, which makes it easy to drink. As for my favorite way to enjoy it, I simply add a spoonful of it to the included water bottle (which is nicely designed by the way) and shake it up with some cold water. I know there are other ways to consume AG1 but I just love the simplicity of doing it this way.
Daily Use and Prep
Don't drink AG1 daily or very often, but whenever I do, I feel like I'm doing something good for my body. Mixing and preparing AG1 is quite easy, especially with the included bottle. One tip I learned the hard way is to add the water first and then the powder; doing it the other way around can cause some 'wet powder' to stick to the bottom, making it difficult to shake it out uniformly throughout.
Benefits Experienced
While I haven't been consistent with drinking AG1, I have noticed some positive effects when I do consume it. I've experienced a slight increase in energy levels and a general sense of well-being after incorporating it into my routine. However, since I haven't been using it regularly, I may not have fully realized its potential benefits. Consistency is key, and I'm aiming to incorporate it more consistently into my daily routine to better assess its impact on my overall health.
Side Effects
While I haven't noticed any significant side effects from drinking AG1, I have observed an unexpected positive change in my digestive health. As someone who suffers from constipation, I've found that incorporating AG1 into my routine has improved my bowel movements, resulting in better stool consistency and easier passage. Overall, I haven't experienced any adverse effects and have been pleasantly surprised by this particular benefit.
Customer Service
I haven't had the need to interact with Athletic Greens customer service, so I can't speak to my personal experience with them.
Is AG1 Worth It?
While I've appreciated some of the benefits of AG1, I'm undecided about continuing to drink it due to its price. I've been exploring other vitamin supplements and powders, considering their cost-effectiveness. While I may reconsider AG1 in the future, its current price point is a factor in my decision-making process.
How likely are you to recommend it to a friend or family member?
How AG1 Compares to Other Brands
I haven't tried other greens powders, so I can't provide a comparison with AG1. My experience has been solely with AG1, and I can speak to its qualities based on that.